Terms of service

The legal bit. Please read it.


"You", "your", "they", "customer" means the person or organisation that owns the account associated with the service.

"We", "our", "us" means Portfast Ltd, company #6061075 registered in England and Wales.

Standard Terms and Conditions

Should any clause be found to be null and void then the rest of the contract will still stand.

All products

You will be reminded only by email when a product is due for renewal on a time remaining schedule of 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, 2 weeks, 1 week, 3 days, 1 day and at the time of expiry, unless you have opted out of reminders for this product.

It is the customer's responsiblity to ensure they have a valid email address associated with their account.

We run a reputable network, you will not use or allow any product to be used for purposes that:

  • Contravene any law applicable in the UK
  • Send spam via email or instant messaging / social networking
  • Cause denial of service to us or any third party

We will periodically need to perform maintenance which may be disruptive to service, however we endeavour to minimise the impact of these works by adopting industry best practices and provision of redundant hardware where possible.

There are absolutely no circumstances in which we will guarantee to cover any damages or losses incurred by the customer greater than the basic fee paid for the service in the calendar month during which the failure occured. This means 100% of an individual product's fee if paid monthly, or 8.33% (1/12) of a product's fee paid annually minus any discounts for longer term payment up front. Fees paid for other durations will be calculated by the same method to arrive at a fee for 1 month.

Should the customer decide to terminate an arrangement due to our failure to provide an acceptable service level, we will refund paid fees pro-rata, including the complete fee for the calendar month in which the failure occurred.

At our discretion we will award service credit following any problems.

Hosted products

The correct operation of the hosted product does depend on the customer meeting certain conditions:

  • Your product must have adequate resources allocated, this means for example that if you need 2GB of RAM, that you pay for a product with at least 2GB and not something smaller which could put additional load on our systems.
  • Your product's software must be maintained to keep it secure.
  • Your product must be under your control and not have been exploited by a third party.

Should your product appear to be participating in an attack (DDOS), we reserve the right to apply a partial firewall to block this traffic or to suspend service until you are made aware and can fix it. This is for our protection as well as the third party under attack.

Domain names

We incur non-refundable costs when we register and renew domain names therefore all sales are final.

Should you fail to renew a name in time and it falls into a "redemption period" with additional fees required to bring the domain back to a live status, these costs will be met by you. They can be in excess of the charges for a new domain, however we do not set them.

Should the domain's registrar terminate the name for any reason you are not entitled to any refund beyond anything that they return to us, which will most likely be nil.

Transfers in and out will only be charged if there is a cost to us, to this end most but not all types of domain incur a charge of 1 year to initiate a transfer

Domains ending .uk are currently free to transfer in and out. We will only change this policy if the .uk registry forces it.

If you wish to renew your domain name, please log in to your customer portal where you can view all expiring domain names and charges.


We almost always take payment up-front to avoid credit issues however should you have an arrangement whereby we bill you in arrears, the invoice is due within 30 days of the invoice date unless otherwise agreed.

Failure to pay an invoice within what we deem to be a reasonable period will lead to application of late payment fees and interest.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
Portfast Ltd :: Registered in England #6061075, 331 Millhouses Lane, Sheffield, S11 9HY